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Adaptometer (Biophotometer), Software-Based Data Acquisition And Stimulus Generation

Page Type
Product Code
Measurement of retinal adaptation (regeneration of the visual purple) and absolute visible sensitivity to light.
Physical State
The device is typically plastic or metal enclosed and desk top-based. In the enclosure are electronic components, including a light source, measurement components. and electronics containing software for data acquisition and stimulus generation.
Technical Method
A light source stimulates the retina and the the time required for retinal adaptation (regeneration of the visual purple) is measured. The minimum light threshold is also determined, in this same fashion. Stimulus generation and data acquisition are the only features of the device which are software controlled.
Target Area
Retina and ocular structures
Regulation Medical Specialty
Review Panel
Submission Type
510(K) Exempt
Device Classification
Class 1
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible

CFR § 886.1050 Adaptometer (biophotometer)

§ 886.1050 Adaptometer (biophotometer).

(a) Identification. An adaptometer (biophotometer) is an AC-powered device that provides a stimulating light source which has various controlled intensities intended to measure the time required for retinal adaptation (regeneration of the visual purple) and the minimum light threshold.

(b) Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in § 886.9.

[55 FR 48441, Nov. 20, 1990, as amended at 59 FR 63012, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38809, July 25, 2001]

Adaptometer (Biophotometer), Software-Based Data Acquisition And Stimulus Generation

Page Type
Product Code
Measurement of retinal adaptation (regeneration of the visual purple) and absolute visible sensitivity to light.
Physical State
The device is typically plastic or metal enclosed and desk top-based. In the enclosure are electronic components, including a light source, measurement components. and electronics containing software for data acquisition and stimulus generation.
Technical Method
A light source stimulates the retina and the the time required for retinal adaptation (regeneration of the visual purple) is measured. The minimum light threshold is also determined, in this same fashion. Stimulus generation and data acquisition are the only features of the device which are software controlled.
Target Area
Retina and ocular structures
Regulation Medical Specialty
Review Panel
Submission Type
510(K) Exempt
Device Classification
Class 1
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible

CFR § 886.1050 Adaptometer (biophotometer)

§ 886.1050 Adaptometer (biophotometer).

(a) Identification. An adaptometer (biophotometer) is an AC-powered device that provides a stimulating light source which has various controlled intensities intended to measure the time required for retinal adaptation (regeneration of the visual purple) and the minimum light threshold.

(b) Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in § 886.9.

[55 FR 48441, Nov. 20, 1990, as amended at 59 FR 63012, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38809, July 25, 2001]