- AnesthesiologyReview Panel
- CardiovascularReview Panel
- ChemistryReview Panel
- DentalReview Panel
- Ear, Nose, ThroatReview Panel
- Gastroenterology and UrologyReview Panel
- General HospitalReview Panel
- HematologyReview Panel
- ImmunologyReview Panel
- MicrobiologyReview Panel
- NeurologyReview Panel
- Obstetrical and GynecologicalReview Panel
- OphthalmicReview Panel
- MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
- Subpart B—Diagnostic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- HKXTonometer, Ac-Powered2Product Code
- HKYTonometer, Manual2Product Code
- HKZSterilizer, Tonometer1Product Code
- HLACalibrator, Tonometer2Product Code
- HLCInstrument, Measuring, Stereopsis1Product Code
- HLERuler, Nearpoint (Punctometer)1Product Code
- HLFDevice, Measuring, Lens Radius, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- HLGPupillometer, Ac-Powered1Product Code
- HLHPupillometer, Manual1Product Code
- HLIOphthalmoscope, Ac-Powered2Product Code
- HKMRetinoscope, Battery-Powered1Product Code
- HKNRefractor, Manual, Non-Powered, Including Phoropter1Product Code
- HKORefractometer, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- HKQPrism, Rotary, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- HKRLens, Maddox1Product Code
- HKSPrism, Gonioscopic1Product Code
- HKTPrism, Fresnel, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- HKWPrism, Bar, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- KYHEndoscope, Ophthalmic2Product Code
- MPAEndoilluminator2Product Code
- NKZEndoilluminator, Reprocessed2Product Code
- HITTester, Color Vision1Product Code
- HIWAnomaloscope1Product Code
- HIXMaxwell Spot, Ac-Powered1Product Code
- HIYBrush, Haidinger, (Including Macular Integrity)1Product Code
- HJAPhotokeratoscope1Product Code
- HJBInstrument, Measuring, Corneal Radius1Product Code
- HJCEsthesiometer, Ocular1Product Code
- HJDIlluminator, Color Vision Plate1Product Code
- HJILens, Fundus, Hruby, Diagnostic1Product Code
- HJJLens, Fresnel, Flexible, Diagnostic1Product Code
- HJKLens, Contact, Polymethylmethacrylate, Diagnostic2Product Code
- HJLLens, Condensing, Diagnostic1Product Code
- HJMTransilluminator, Ac-Powered2Product Code
- HJNTransilluminator, Battery-Powered1Product Code
- HJOBiomicroscope, Slit-Lamp, Ac-Powered2Product Code
- HJQStereoscope, Ac-Powered1Product Code
- HJRStereoscope, Battery-Powered1Product Code
- HJSTest, Spectacle Dissociation, Ac-Powered (Lancaster)1Product Code
- HJTHaploscope1Product Code
- HJWAdaptometer (Biophotometer)1Product Code
- HKDTape, Nystagmus1Product Code
- HKFMirror, Headband, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- HKGFornixscope1Product Code
- HKICamera, Ophthalmic, Ac-Powered2Product Code
- HKLRetinoscope, Ac-Powered2Product Code
- HLJOphthalmoscope, Battery-Powered2Product Code
- HLKScreen, Tangent, Target, Battery-Powered1Product Code
- HLLMonitor, Eye Movement2Product Code
- HLMInstrument, Measuring, Lens, Ac-Powered1Product Code
- HLNGauge, Lens, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- HLOTest, Spectacle Dissociation, Battery-Powered (Lancaster)1Product Code
- HLPTarget, Fusion And Stereoscopic1Product Code
- HLQKeratoscope, Ac-Powered1Product Code
- HLRKeratoscope, Battery-Powered1Product Code
- HLSExophthalmometer1Product Code
- HLTPreamplifier, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic2Product Code
- HLWPreamplifier, Battery-Powered, Ophthalmic2Product Code
- HLXPhotostimulator, Ac-Powered2Product Code
- HLZElectrode, Corneal2Product Code
- HMCMonitor, Eye Movement, Diagnostic2Product Code
- HMDChair, Ophthalmic, Manual1Product Code
- HMEChair, Ophthalmic, Ac-Powered1Product Code
- HMFStand, Instrument, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- HMGStand, Instrument, Ophthalmic, Non-Powered1Product Code
- HMHRack, Skiascopic1Product Code
- HMJScreen, Tangent, Projection, Battery-Powered1Product Code
- HMKEuthyscope, Ac-Powered2Product Code
- HMLEuthyscope, Battery-Powered1Product Code
- HMMDistometer1Product Code
- HOJScreen, Tangent, Target1Product Code
- HOKScreen, Tangent, Projection, Ac-Powered1Product Code
- HOLScreen, Tangent, Felt (Campimeter)1Product Code
- HOMScreen, Tangent, Ac-Powered (Campimeter)1Product Code
- HONPerimeter, Manual1Product Code
- HOOPerimeter, Ac-Powered1Product Code
- HOPCampimeter, Stereo, Battery-Powered1Product Code
- HOQGrid, Amsler1Product Code
- HORSimulatan (Including Crossed Cylinder)1Product Code
- HOSProjector, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- HOWDrum, Opticokinetic1Product Code
- HOXChart, Visual Acuity1Product Code
- HPAFrame, Trial, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- HPBClip, Lens, Trial, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- HPCSet, Lens, Trial, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- HPDLens, Bagolini1Product Code
- HPJInstrument, Visual Field, Laser2Product Code
- HPKTonograph2Product Code
- HPLDevice, Fixation, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- HPTPerimeter, Automatic, Ac-Powered1Product Code
- HPWProbe And Counter, Isotope, For Phosphorus 322Product Code
- HRECabinet, Instrument, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- HRIPupillograph1Product Code
- KYDStrip, Schirmer1Product Code
- MMFPhotorefractor2Product Code
- MMQTopographer, Corneal, Ac-Powered1Product Code
- MSGOphthalmoscopes, Replacement Batteries, Hand-Held2Product Code
- MXKDevice, Analysis, Anterior Segment2Product Code
- MYCOphthalmoscope, Laser, Scanning2Product Code
- NCFAberrometer, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- NFDSelector, Color, Spectacle, Lens, Tint1Product Code
- NJGFlasher, Afterimage, Ophthalmic2Product Code
- NJJTonometer, Analyzer, Ocular Blood Flow2Product Code
- NOGTopographer, Corneal, Battery Powered1Product Code
- NOHPhotokeratoscope, Battery Powered1Product Code
- NOIStand, Instrument, Ophthalmic, Battery Powered1Product Code
- NQEMicroscope, Specular2Product Code
- NXRFixation, Vision Training, Binocular1Product Code
- NYKOphthalmodynamometer, Diagnostic Contact Lens, Polymethylmethacrylate (Pmma)2Product Code
- OBOTomography, Optical Coherence2Product Code
- OUMAdaptometer (Biophotometer), Software-Based Data Acquisition And Stimulus Generation1Product Code
- PIBDiabetic Retinopathy Detection Device2Product Code
- PJZCamera, Ophthalmic, General-Use2Product Code
- PLZOcular Pattern Recorder2Product Code
- PMWStrabismus Detection Device2Product Code
- PUEBiomicroscope, Slit-Lamp, Ac-Powered, Exempt2Product Code
- QERCamera, Ophthalmic, Slit-Scanning2Product Code
- NFFDevice, Storage, Images, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- NFGDevice, Communications, Images, Ophthalmic1Product Code
- NFHDigitizer, Images, Ophthalmic2Product Code
- NFIDevice, Hardcopy, Images, Ophthalmic2Product Code
- NFJSystem, Image Management, Ophthalmic2Product Code
- QTODigital Visual Acuity Test1Product Code
- QTWDigital Amsler Grid1Product Code
- QZPCamera, Ophthalmic, Non-Prescription2Product Code
- SBIManual Refractor, 3d Display1Product Code
- SBNDigital Therapy Device For Convergence Insufficiency1Product Code
- SCWDigital Prismatic Correction1Product Code
- Subpart D—Prosthetic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart E—Surgical DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart F—General Hospital and Personal Use Therapeutic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart F—Therapeutic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- OrthopedicReview Panel
- PathologyReview Panel
- Physical MedicineReview Panel
- RadiologyReview Panel
- General and Plastic SurgeryReview Panel
- ToxicologyReview Panel
- Medical GeneticsReview Panel
- UnknownReview Panel
Screen, Tangent, Target, Battery-Powered
- Page Type
- Product Code
- Regulation Medical Specialty
- Ophthalmic
- Review Panel
- Ophthalmic
- Submission Type
- 510(K) Exempt
- Device Classification
- Class 1
- Regulation Number
- 886.1810
- GMP Exempt?
- Yes
- Summary Malfunction Reporting
- Eligible
- Implanted Device
- No
- Life-Sustain/Support Device
- No
- Third Party Review
- Not Third Party Eligible
- MAUDE Alerts
- View and Sign Up For MAUDE Alerts
CFR § 886.1810 Tangent screen (campimeter)
§ 886.1810 Tangent screen (campimeter).
(a) Identification. A tangent screen (campimeter) is an AC-powered or battery-powered device that is a large square cloth chart with a central mark of fixation intended to map on a flat surface the central 30 degrees of a patient's visual field. This generic type of device includes projection tangent screens, target tangent screens and targets, felt tangent screens, and stereo campimeters.
(b) Classification. Class I (general controls). The AC-powered device and the battery-powered device are exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in § 886.9. The battery-powered device is also exempt from the current good manufacturing practice requirements of the quality system regulation in part 820 of this chapter, with the exception of § 820.180, with respect to general requirements concerning records, and § 820.198, with respect to complaint files.
[55 FR 48442, Nov. 20, 1990, as amended at 59 FR 63013, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38812, July 25, 2001]