Last synced on 20 December 2024 at 11:05 pm

Test, Urea Adult And Pediatric (Breath),

Page Type
Product Code
Intended for use in the qualitative detection of urease associated with h. Pylori in the human stomach and is indicated as an aid in the initial diagnosis and post-treatment monitoring of h. Pylori infection in adults and pediatric patients. The test may be used for monitoring treatment if used at 4 weeks following completion of therapy.
Physical State
Human Breath
Technical Method
System utilizes an Infrared Spectrophotometer
Target Area
Stomach, esophagogastroduodenoscopy
Regulation Medical Specialty
Review Panel
Submission Type
Device Classification
Class 3
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible

CFR § 866.3110 <em>Campylobacter fetus</em> serological reagents

§ 866.3110 Campylobacter fetus serological reagents.

(a) Identification. Campylobacter fetus serological reagents are devices that consist of antisera conjugated with a fluorescent dye used to identify Campylobacter fetus from clinical specimens or cultured isolates derived from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by this bacterium and provides epidemiological information on these diseases. Campylobacter fetus is a frequent cause of abortion in sheep and cattle and is sometimes responsible for endocarditis (inflammation of certain membranes of the heart) and enteritis (inflammation of the intestines) in humans.

(b) Classification. Class I (general controls).

Test, Urea Adult And Pediatric (Breath),

Page Type
Product Code
Intended for use in the qualitative detection of urease associated with h. Pylori in the human stomach and is indicated as an aid in the initial diagnosis and post-treatment monitoring of h. Pylori infection in adults and pediatric patients. The test may be used for monitoring treatment if used at 4 weeks following completion of therapy.
Physical State
Human Breath
Technical Method
System utilizes an Infrared Spectrophotometer
Target Area
Stomach, esophagogastroduodenoscopy
Regulation Medical Specialty
Review Panel
Submission Type
Device Classification
Class 3
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible

CFR § 866.3110 <em>Campylobacter fetus</em> serological reagents

§ 866.3110 Campylobacter fetus serological reagents.

(a) Identification. Campylobacter fetus serological reagents are devices that consist of antisera conjugated with a fluorescent dye used to identify Campylobacter fetus from clinical specimens or cultured isolates derived from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by this bacterium and provides epidemiological information on these diseases. Campylobacter fetus is a frequent cause of abortion in sheep and cattle and is sometimes responsible for endocarditis (inflammation of certain membranes of the heart) and enteritis (inflammation of the intestines) in humans.

(b) Classification. Class I (general controls).