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Assayed External Control Material For Microbiology Nucleic Acid Amplification (Nat) Assays

Page Type
Product Code
Assayed external quality control material to monitor the performance of microbiology nucleic acid assays for in vitro diagnostic use.
Physical State
solid or liquid
Technical Method
For use with nucleic acid amplification microbiology assays
Target Area
Not applicable - Single or multi-analyte
Regulation Medical Specialty
Review Panel
Submission Type
Device Classification
Class 2
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Third Party Eligible

CFR § 866.3920 Assayed quality control material for clinical microbiology assays

§ 866.3920 Assayed quality control material for clinical microbiology assays.

(a) Identification. An assayed quality control material for clinical microbiology assays is a device indicated for use in a test system to estimate test precision or to detect systematic analytical deviations that may arise from reagent or analytical instrument variation. This type of device consists of single or multiple microbiological analytes intended for use with either qualitative or quantitative assays.

(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The special controls for this device are:

(1) Premarket notification submissions must include detailed device description documentation and information concerning the composition of the quality control material, including, as appropriate:

(i) Analyte concentration;

(ii) Expected values;

(iii) Analyte source;

(iv) Base matrix;

(v) Added components;

(vi) Safety and handling information; and

(vii) Detailed instructions for use.

(2) Premarket notification submissions must include detailed documentation, including line data as well as detailed study protocols and a statistical analysis plan used to establish performance, including:

(i) Description of the process for value assignment and validation.

(ii) Description of the protocol(s) used to establish stability.

(iii) Line data establishing precision/reproducibility.

(iv) Where applicable, assessment of matrix effects and any significant differences between the quality control material and typical patient samples in terms of conditions known to cause analytical error or affect assay performance.

(v) Where applicable, identify or define traceability or relationship to a domestic or international standard reference material and/or method.

(vi) Where applicable, detailed documentation related to studies for surrogate controls.

(3) Premarket notification submissions must include an adequate mitigation (e.g., real-time stability program) to the risk of false results due to potential modifications to the assays specified in the device's 21 CFR 809.10 compliant labeling.

(4) Your 21 CFR 809.10 compliant labeling must include the following:

(i) The intended use of your 21 CFR 809.10(a)(2) and (b)(2) compliant labeling must include the following:

(A) Assayed control material analyte(s);

(B) Whether the material is intended for quantitative or qualitative assays;

(C) Stating if the material is a surrogate control; and

(D) The system(s), instrument(s), or test(s) for which the quality control material is intended.

(ii) The intended use in your 21 CFR 809.10(a)(2) and (b)(2) compliant labeling must include the following statement: “This product is not intended to replace manufacturer controls provided with the device.”

(iii) A limiting statement that reads “Quality control materials should be used in accordance with local, state, federal regulations, and accreditation requirements.”

[82 FR 34850, July 27, 2017]

Assayed External Control Material For Microbiology Nucleic Acid Amplification (Nat) Assays

Page Type
Product Code
Assayed external quality control material to monitor the performance of microbiology nucleic acid assays for in vitro diagnostic use.
Physical State
solid or liquid
Technical Method
For use with nucleic acid amplification microbiology assays
Target Area
Not applicable - Single or multi-analyte
Regulation Medical Specialty
Review Panel
Submission Type
Device Classification
Class 2
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Third Party Eligible

CFR § 866.3920 Assayed quality control material for clinical microbiology assays

§ 866.3920 Assayed quality control material for clinical microbiology assays.

(a) Identification. An assayed quality control material for clinical microbiology assays is a device indicated for use in a test system to estimate test precision or to detect systematic analytical deviations that may arise from reagent or analytical instrument variation. This type of device consists of single or multiple microbiological analytes intended for use with either qualitative or quantitative assays.

(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The special controls for this device are:

(1) Premarket notification submissions must include detailed device description documentation and information concerning the composition of the quality control material, including, as appropriate:

(i) Analyte concentration;

(ii) Expected values;

(iii) Analyte source;

(iv) Base matrix;

(v) Added components;

(vi) Safety and handling information; and

(vii) Detailed instructions for use.

(2) Premarket notification submissions must include detailed documentation, including line data as well as detailed study protocols and a statistical analysis plan used to establish performance, including:

(i) Description of the process for value assignment and validation.

(ii) Description of the protocol(s) used to establish stability.

(iii) Line data establishing precision/reproducibility.

(iv) Where applicable, assessment of matrix effects and any significant differences between the quality control material and typical patient samples in terms of conditions known to cause analytical error or affect assay performance.

(v) Where applicable, identify or define traceability or relationship to a domestic or international standard reference material and/or method.

(vi) Where applicable, detailed documentation related to studies for surrogate controls.

(3) Premarket notification submissions must include an adequate mitigation (e.g., real-time stability program) to the risk of false results due to potential modifications to the assays specified in the device's 21 CFR 809.10 compliant labeling.

(4) Your 21 CFR 809.10 compliant labeling must include the following:

(i) The intended use of your 21 CFR 809.10(a)(2) and (b)(2) compliant labeling must include the following:

(A) Assayed control material analyte(s);

(B) Whether the material is intended for quantitative or qualitative assays;

(C) Stating if the material is a surrogate control; and

(D) The system(s), instrument(s), or test(s) for which the quality control material is intended.

(ii) The intended use in your 21 CFR 809.10(a)(2) and (b)(2) compliant labeling must include the following statement: “This product is not intended to replace manufacturer controls provided with the device.”

(iii) A limiting statement that reads “Quality control materials should be used in accordance with local, state, federal regulations, and accreditation requirements.”

[82 FR 34850, July 27, 2017]