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Bone Grafting Material, Animal Source

Page Type
Product Code
A animal-source bone grafting material is a naturally-derived device, such as collagen, intended to fill, augment, or reconstruct periodontal defects and or bony defects of the upper or lower jaw.
Regulation Medical Specialty
Review Panel
Submission Type
Device Classification
Class 2
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible

CFR § 872.3930 Bone grafting material

§ 872.3930 Bone grafting material.

(a) Identification. Bone grafting material is a material such as hydroxyapatite, tricalcium phosphate, polylactic and polyglycolic acids, or collagen, that is intended to fill, augment, or reconstruct periodontal or bony defects of the oral and maxillofacial region.

(b) Classification. (1) Class II (special controls) for bone grafting materials that do not contain a drug that is a therapeutic biologic. The special control is FDA's “Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Dental Bone Grafting Material Devices.” (See § 872.1(e) for the availability of this guidance document.)

(2) Class III (premarket approval) for bone grafting materials that contain a drug that is a therapeutic biologic. Bone grafting materials that contain a drug that is a therapeutic biologic, such as biological response modifiers, require premarket approval.

(c) Date premarket approval application (PMA) or notice of product development protocol (PDP) is required. Devices described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section shall have an approved PMA or a declared completed PDP in effect before being placed in commercial distribution.

[70 FR 21949, Apr. 28, 2005]

Bone Grafting Material, Animal Source

Page Type
Product Code
A animal-source bone grafting material is a naturally-derived device, such as collagen, intended to fill, augment, or reconstruct periodontal defects and or bony defects of the upper or lower jaw.
Regulation Medical Specialty
Review Panel
Submission Type
Device Classification
Class 2
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible

CFR § 872.3930 Bone grafting material

§ 872.3930 Bone grafting material.

(a) Identification. Bone grafting material is a material such as hydroxyapatite, tricalcium phosphate, polylactic and polyglycolic acids, or collagen, that is intended to fill, augment, or reconstruct periodontal or bony defects of the oral and maxillofacial region.

(b) Classification. (1) Class II (special controls) for bone grafting materials that do not contain a drug that is a therapeutic biologic. The special control is FDA's “Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Dental Bone Grafting Material Devices.” (See § 872.1(e) for the availability of this guidance document.)

(2) Class III (premarket approval) for bone grafting materials that contain a drug that is a therapeutic biologic. Bone grafting materials that contain a drug that is a therapeutic biologic, such as biological response modifiers, require premarket approval.

(c) Date premarket approval application (PMA) or notice of product development protocol (PDP) is required. Devices described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section shall have an approved PMA or a declared completed PDP in effect before being placed in commercial distribution.

[70 FR 21949, Apr. 28, 2005]