- AnesthesiologyReview Panel
- MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
- Subpart B—Cardiovascular Diagnostic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart B—Diagnostic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart C—Cardiovascular Monitoring DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart C—Monitoring DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart D—Prosthetic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart E—Surgical DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart F—Cardiovascular Therapeutic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart F—Neurological Therapeutic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart F—Physical Medicine Therapeutic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart F—Therapeutic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- BRWProtector, Dental1Product Code
- BSFAbsorber, Carbon-Dioxide1Product Code
- BSJMask, Gas, Anesthetic1Product Code
- BSKCuff, Tracheal Tube, Inflatable2Product Code
- BSNFilter, Conduction, Anesthetic2Product Code
- BSOCatheter, Conduction, Anesthetic2Product Code
- BSPNeedle, Conduction, Anesthetic (W/Wo Introducer)2Product Code
- BSRStylet, Tracheal Tube1Product Code
- BSZGas-Machine, Anesthesia2Product Code
- BTBHook, Ether1Product Code
- BTCBag, Reservoir1Product Code
- BTKStrap, Head, Gas Mask1Product Code
- BTLVentilator, Emergency, Powered (Resuscitator)2Product Code
- BTMVentilator, Emergency, Manual (Resuscitator)2Product Code
- BTOTube, Tracheostomy (W/Wo Connector)2Product Code
- BTPDropper, Ether1Product Code
- BTQAirway, Nasopharyngeal1Product Code
- BTRTube, Tracheal (W/Wo Connector)2Product Code
- BTSTube, Bronchial (W/Wo Connector)2Product Code
- BTTHumidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface)2Product Code
- BWBForceps, Tube Introduction1Product Code
- BWCNeedle, Emergency Airway2Product Code
- BWFSpirometer, Therapeutic (Incentive)2Product Code
- BWLApparatus, Electronanesthesia3Product Code
- BYDCondenser, Heat And Moisture (Artificial Nose)1Product Code
- BYEAttachment, Breathing, Positive End Expiratory Pressure2Product Code
- BYFMask, Oxygen, Low Concentration, Venturi1Product Code
- BYGMask, Oxygen1Product Code
- BYHDrain, Tee (Water Trap)1Product Code
- BYIPercussor, Powered-Electric2Product Code
- BYJUnit, Liquid-Oxygen, Portable2Product Code
- BYKTent, Oxygen, Electrically Powered2Product Code
- BYLTent, Oxygen1Product Code
- BYNChair, Posture, For Cardiac And Pulmonary Treatment1Product Code
- BYOBottle, Blow1Product Code
- BYPMouthpiece, Breathing1Product Code
- BYTVentilator, External Body, Negative Pressure, Adult (Cuirass)2Product Code
- BYWDevice, Rebreathing1Product Code
- BYXTubing, Pressure And Accessories1Product Code
- BZAConnector, Airway (Extension)1Product Code
- BZBCatheter, Nasal, Oxygen1Product Code
- BZDVentilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator)2Product Code
- BZEHeater, Breathing System W/Wo Controller (Not Humidifier Or Nebulizer2Product Code
- BZOSet, Tubing And Support, Ventilator (W Harness)1Product Code
- BZRMixer, Breathing Gases, Anesthesia Inhalation2Product Code
- CADVaporizer, Anesthesia, Non-Heated2Product Code
- CAEAirway, Oropharyngeal, Anesthesiology1Product Code
- CAFNebulizer (Direct Patient Interface)2Product Code
- CAGCirculator, Breathing-Circuit2Product Code
- CAICircuit, Breathing (W Connector, Adaptor, Y Piece)1Product Code
- CALLaryngoscope, Non-Rigid1Product Code
- CAOAirway, Esophageal (Obturator)2Product Code
- CATCannula, Nasal, Oxygen1Product Code
- CAWGenerator, Oxygen, Portable2Product Code
- CAZAnesthesia Conduction Kit2Product Code
- CBFChamber, Hyperbaric2Product Code
- CBGSpreader, Cuff1Product Code
- CBHDevice, Fixation, Tracheal Tube1Product Code
- CBITube, Tracheal/Bronchial, Differential Ventilation (W/Wo Connector)2Product Code
- CBKVentilator, Continuous, Facility Use2Product Code
- CBLAbsorbent, Carbon-Dioxide1Product Code
- CBNApparatus, Gas-Scavenging2Product Code
- CBOAttachment, Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (Imv)2Product Code
- CBPValve, Non-Rebreathing2Product Code
- MODAccessory To Continuous Ventilator (Respirator)2Product Code
- CCOBed, Rocking, Breathing Assist2Product Code
- CCQNebulizer, Medicinal, Non-Ventilatory (Atomizer)1Product Code
- CCTApplicator (Laryngo-Tracheal), Topical Anesthesia2Product Code
- CCWLaryngoscope, Rigid1Product Code
- EPEBrush, Cleaning, Tracheal Tube1Product Code
- FNCTent, Pediatric Aerosol2Product Code
- FOGHood, Oxygen, Infant1Product Code
- JAYSupport, Breathing Tube1Product Code
- JOHTube Tracheostomy And Tube Cuff2Product Code
- KFZHumidifier, Non-Direct Patient Interface (Home-Use)1Product Code
- KGBMask, Oxygen, Non-Rebreathing1Product Code
- KHAMask, Scavenging1Product Code
- LNZChanger, Tube, Endotracheal2Product Code
- MIANeedle, Spinal, Short Term2Product Code
- MNSVentilator, Continuous, Non-Life-Supporting2Product Code
- MNTVentilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use2Product Code
- MRNApparatus, Nitric Oxide Delivery2Product Code
- MROApparatus, Nitric Oxide, Backup Delivery2Product Code
- MZTDevice, Heimlich Maneuver Assist2Product Code
- NFBConserver, Oxygen2Product Code
- NHJDevice, Positive Pressure Breathing, Intermittent2Product Code
- NHKResuscitator, Manual, Non Self-Inflating2Product Code
- NMATube, Tracheal, Reprocessed2Product Code
- NMCMask, Ventilator, Non-Continuous, Reprocessed2Product Code
- NMRNeedle, Spinal, Short Term, Reprocessed2Product Code
- NNHNeedle, Conduction, Anesthesia, Reprocessed2Product Code
- NOUContinuous, Ventilator, Home Use2Product Code
- NQYVentilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Home Use2Product Code
- NVOSpacer, Direct Patient Interface2Product Code
- NVPHolding Chambers, Direct Patient Interface2Product Code
- NXATracheotomy Care Kit2Product Code
- OBNHumidifier, Respiratory, Mask (Direct Patient Interface)2Product Code
- OFQAnesthesia Kit2Product Code
- OFTSpinal Epidural Anesthesia Kit2Product Code
- OFUSpinal Anesthesia Kit2Product Code
- OFVRegional Anesthesia Kit2Product Code
- OGABrachial Plexus Anesthesia Kit2Product Code
- OGBCaudal Anesthesia Kit2Product Code
- OGCContinuous Brachial Plexus Block Tray2Product Code
- OGDCustom Anesthesia Tray2Product Code
- OGEEpidural Anesthesia Kit2Product Code
- OGFGlossopharyngeal Anesthesia Kit2Product Code
- OGGHumidifier Nebulizer Kit2Product Code
- OGHLaryngoscope Kit1Product Code
- OGINasal Endotracheal Tube Holder Kit1Product Code
- OGJNerve Block Tray2Product Code
- OGLOxygen Administration Kit2Product Code
- OLFMedevac Use Oxygen Generator2Product Code
- ONZMechanical Ventilator2Product Code
- OQUAirway Monitoring System2Product Code
- PHSOral Airway Assist1Product Code
- PMBExternal Airway2Product Code
- QAVHigh Flow/High Velocity Humidified Oxygen Delivery Device2Product Code
- QBYPositive Airway Pressure System2Product Code
- QCXRetrograde Intubation Set2Product Code
- OZRIntraoral Pressure Gradient Device2Product Code
- QFBIsocapnic Ventilation Device2Product Code
- Subpart G—MiscellaneousCFR Sub-Part
- CardiovascularReview Panel
- ChemistryReview Panel
- DentalReview Panel
- Ear, Nose, ThroatReview Panel
- Gastroenterology and UrologyReview Panel
- General HospitalReview Panel
- HematologyReview Panel
- ImmunologyReview Panel
- MicrobiologyReview Panel
- NeurologyReview Panel
- Obstetrical and GynecologicalReview Panel
- OphthalmicReview Panel
- OrthopedicReview Panel
- PathologyReview Panel
- Physical MedicineReview Panel
- RadiologyReview Panel
- General and Plastic SurgeryReview Panel
- ToxicologyReview Panel
- Medical GeneticsReview Panel
- UnknownReview Panel
Isocapnic Ventilation Device
- Page Type
- Product Code
- Definition
- An isocapnic ventilation device is a prescription device used to administer a blend of carbon dioxide and oxygen gases to a patient to induce hyperventilation. This device may be labeled for use with breathing circuits made of reservoir bags (21 CFR 868.5320), oxygen cannulas (21 CFR 868.5340), masks (21 CFR 868.5550), valves (21 CFR 868.5870), resuscitation bags (21 CFR 868.5915), and/or tubing (21 CFR 868.5925).
- Physical State
- Device controls gas concentration, flowrate, and output pressures. Gases are delivered via breathing circuits.
- Technical Method
- Device administers blend of oxygen and carbon dioxide via a patient breathing circuit to enable isocapnic breathing.
- Target Area
- Lungs
- Regulation Medical Specialty
- General Hospital
- Review Panel
- Anesthesiology
- Submission Type
- 510(K)
- Device Classification
- Class 2
- Regulation Number
- 868.5480
- GMP Exempt?
- No
- Summary Malfunction Reporting
- Ineligible
- Implanted Device
- No
- Life-Sustain/Support Device
- No
- Third Party Review
- Not Third Party Eligible
- MAUDE Alerts
- View and Sign Up For MAUDE Alerts
CFR § 868.5480 Isocapnic ventilation device
§ 868.5480 Isocapnic ventilation device.
(a) Identification. An isocapnic ventilation device is a prescription device used to administer a blend of carbon dioxide and oxygen gases to a patient to induce hyperventilation. This device may be labeled for use with breathing circuits made of reservoir bags (§ 868.5320), oxygen cannulas (§ 868.5340), masks (§ 868.5550), valves (§ 868.5870), resuscitation bags (§ 868.5915), and/or tubing (§ 868.5925).
(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The special controls for this device are:
(1) Nonclinical performance testing data must demonstrate that the device performs as intended under anticipated conditions of use, including the following performance characteristics:
(i) Gas concentration accuracy testing for the range of intended concentrations;
(ii) Airway pressure delivery accuracy testing;
(iii) Supplemental O2 flowrate accuracy testing;
(iv) Alarm testing; and
(v) Use life testing.
(2) The patient-contacting components of the device must be demonstrated to be biocompatible.
(3) Labeling must include the following:
(i) Instructions for use;
(ii) A precaution that monitoring of capnography is necessary during treatment with non-spontaneously breathing patients; and
(iii) Use life specification.
[86 FR 68397, Dec. 2, 2021]