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Chamber, Oxygen, Topical, Extremity

Page Type
Product Code
Regulation Medical Specialty
General and Plastic Surgery
Review Panel
General and Plastic Surgery
Submission Type
Device Classification
Class 2
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible

CFR § 878.5650 Topical oxygen chamber for extremities

§ 878.5650 Topical oxygen chamber for extremities.

(a) Identification. A topical oxygen chamber for extremities is a device that is intended to surround a patient's limb and apply humidified oxygen topically at a pressure slightly greater than atmospheric pressure to aid healing of chronic skin ulcers such as bedsores.

(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The special control for this device is FDA's “Class II Special Controls Guidance: Topical Oxygen Chamber for Extremities.” See § 878.1(e) for the availability of this guidance document.

[76 FR 22807, Apr. 25, 2011]

Chamber, Oxygen, Topical, Extremity

Page Type
Product Code
Regulation Medical Specialty
General and Plastic Surgery
Review Panel
General and Plastic Surgery
Submission Type
Device Classification
Class 2
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible

CFR § 878.5650 Topical oxygen chamber for extremities

§ 878.5650 Topical oxygen chamber for extremities.

(a) Identification. A topical oxygen chamber for extremities is a device that is intended to surround a patient's limb and apply humidified oxygen topically at a pressure slightly greater than atmospheric pressure to aid healing of chronic skin ulcers such as bedsores.

(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The special control for this device is FDA's “Class II Special Controls Guidance: Topical Oxygen Chamber for Extremities.” See § 878.1(e) for the availability of this guidance document.

[76 FR 22807, Apr. 25, 2011]