- AnesthesiologyReview Panel
- CardiovascularReview Panel
- ChemistryReview Panel
- DentalReview Panel
- Ear, Nose, ThroatReview Panel
- Gastroenterology and UrologyReview Panel
- General HospitalReview Panel
- HematologyReview Panel
- ImmunologyReview Panel
- MicrobiologyReview Panel
- NeurologyReview Panel
- Obstetrical and GynecologicalReview Panel
- OphthalmicReview Panel
- OrthopedicReview Panel
- PathologyReview Panel
- Physical MedicineReview Panel
- RadiologyReview Panel
- General and Plastic SurgeryReview Panel
- MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
- Subpart B—Diagnostic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart C—General Hospital and Personal Use Monitoring DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart D—Prosthetic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- ESFPolymer, Composite Synthetic Ptfe With Carbon-Fiber, Ent2Product Code
- EZXMesh, Surgical, Metal2Product Code
- MIBElastomer, Silicone Block2Product Code
- MICImplant, Muscle, Pectoralis2Product Code
- BTXBoard, Arm (With Cover), Sterile1Product Code
- FTLMesh, Surgical, Polymeric2Product Code
- FTMMesh, Surgical2Product Code
- FTNPlastic Surgery And Accessories Kit1Product Code
- FTRProsthesis, Breast, Noninflatable, Internal, Silicone Gel-Filled3Product Code
- FWMProsthesis, Breast, Inflatable, Internal, Saline3Product Code
- FWPProsthesis, Chin, Internal2Product Code
- FYIAppliance, Facial Fracture, External1Product Code
- FZDProsthesis, Ear, Internal2Product Code
- FZEProsthesis, Nose, Internal2Product Code
- FZFSplint, Extremity, Inflatable, External1Product Code
- GBIMaterial, External Aesthetic Restoration, Used With Adhesive1Product Code
- GBJProsthesis, Adhesive, External1Product Code
- JCQProsthesis, Esophagus2Product Code
- KCZProsthesis, Breast, External, Used With Adhesive1Product Code
- KDAProsthesis, Ptfe/Carbon-Fiber2Product Code
- KKYMaterial, Polytetrafluoroethylene Vitreous Carbon, For Maxillofacial Reconstruction2Product Code
- LZKImplant, Malar2Product Code
- MCATape, Surgical, Internal2Product Code
- MNFImplant, Temporal2Product Code
- NOCSplint, Extremity, Non-Inflatable, External, Non-Sterile1Product Code
- NODBoard, Arm (With Cover), Non-Sterile1Product Code
- NOJProsthesis, Breast, External, No Adhesive1Product Code
- NOKMaterial, External Aesthetic Restoration, No Adhesive1Product Code
- NWAProsthesis, Tracheal, Preformed/Molded2Product Code
- NYTProsthesis, Tracheal, Expandable, Polymeric2Product Code
- ODUFacial Implant2Product Code
- OXGMesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery2Product Code
- OODSurgical Film2Product Code
- OQLMesh, Surgical, Deployment Balloon2Product Code
- ORQMesh, Surgical, Deployer2Product Code
- OWRMesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Facial Implants For Plastic Surgery2Product Code
- OWSMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Plastics, Facial Implants2Product Code
- OWTMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Abdominal Hernia2Product Code
- OWUMesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Diaphragmatic Hernia2Product Code
- OWVMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Diaphragmatic Hernia2Product Code
- OWWMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Orthopaedics, Reinforcement Of Tendon2Product Code
- OWXMesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Orthopaedics, Reinforcement Of Tendon2Product Code
- OWYMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Orthopaedics, Reinforcement Of Tendon2Product Code
- OWZMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Thoracic, Chest Wall Reconstruction2Product Code
- OXAMesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Thoracic, Chest Wall Reconstruction2Product Code
- OXBMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Thoracic, Chest Wall Reconstruction2Product Code
- OXCMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Staple Line Reinforcement2Product Code
- OXDMesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Staple Line Reinforcement2Product Code
- OXEMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Staple Line Reinforcement2Product Code
- OXFMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery2Product Code
- OXHMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery2Product Code
- OXIMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Large Abdominal Wall Defects2Product Code
- OXJMesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Large Abdominal Wall Defects2Product Code
- OXKMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Large Abdominal Wall Defects2Product Code
- OXLMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Organ Support2Product Code
- OXMMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Fistula2Product Code
- OXNMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Fistula2Product Code
- PIJCollagen Surgical Mesh Containing Drugs2Product Code
- PQNCarbon Dioxide Gas Controlled Tissue Expander2Product Code
- Subpart E—Neurological Surgical DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart E—Surgical DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart F—General Hospital and Personal Use Therapeutic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart F—Physical Medicine Therapeutic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart F—Therapeutic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- ToxicologyReview Panel
- Medical GeneticsReview Panel
- UnknownReview Panel
Prosthesis, Breast, External, No Adhesive
- Page Type
- Product Code
- Definition
- external aesthetic restoration prosthesis
- Regulation Medical Specialty
- General and Plastic Surgery
- Review Panel
- General and Plastic Surgery
- Submission Type
- 510(K) Exempt
- Device Classification
- Class 1
- Regulation Number
- 878.3800
- GMP Exempt?
- Yes
- Summary Malfunction Reporting
- Eligible
- Implanted Device
- No
- Life-Sustain/Support Device
- No
- Third Party Review
- Not Third Party Eligible
- MAUDE Alerts
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CFR § 878.3800 External aesthetic restoration prosthesis
§ 878.3800 External aesthetic restoration prosthesis.
(a) Identification. An external aesthetic restoration prosthesis is a device intended to be used to construct an external artificial body structure, such as an ear, breast, or nose. Usually the device is made of silicone rubber and it may be fastened to the body with an external prosthesis adhesive. The device is not intended to be implanted.
(b) Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in § 878.9. If the device is intended for use without an external prosthesis adhesive to fasten it to the body, the device is exempt from the current good manufacturing practice requirements of the quality system regulation in part 820 of this chapter, with the exception of § 820.180, with respect to general requirements concerning records, and § 820.198, with respect to complaint files.
[53 FR 23872, June 24, 1988, as amended at 59 FR 63010, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38802, July 25, 2001]