Last synced on 20 December 2024 at 11:05 pm

Cabinet, Emission Computed Tomography System

Page Type
Product Code
Obtain Emission Computed Tomography (PET, SPECT or Gamma Camera) with or without x-ray (e.g., CT) imaging of harvested specimens from various anatomical regions in order to provide verification that the correct tissue has been excised during surgical procedures
Physical State
Cabinet system that includes Emission Computed Tomography (PET, SPECT or Gamma Camera) with or without x-ray (e.g., CT) imaging including the software/hardware necessary to reconstruct the image and display to the end user
Technical Method
imaging instruments provide three-dimensional (tomographic) images of the distribution of radioactive tracer molecules in the specimen
Target Area
excised specimen from various anatomical regions
Regulation Medical Specialty
Review Panel
Submission Type
Device Classification
Class 2
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible

CFR § 892.1200 Emission computed tomography system

§ 892.1200 Emission computed tomography system.

(a) Identification. An emission computed tomography system is a device intended to detect the location and distribution of gamma ray- and positron-emitting radionuclides in the body and produce cross-sectional images through computer reconstruction of the data. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, radionuclide anatomical markers, component parts, and accessories.

(b) Classification. Class II.

Cabinet, Emission Computed Tomography System

Page Type
Product Code
Obtain Emission Computed Tomography (PET, SPECT or Gamma Camera) with or without x-ray (e.g., CT) imaging of harvested specimens from various anatomical regions in order to provide verification that the correct tissue has been excised during surgical procedures
Physical State
Cabinet system that includes Emission Computed Tomography (PET, SPECT or Gamma Camera) with or without x-ray (e.g., CT) imaging including the software/hardware necessary to reconstruct the image and display to the end user
Technical Method
imaging instruments provide three-dimensional (tomographic) images of the distribution of radioactive tracer molecules in the specimen
Target Area
excised specimen from various anatomical regions
Regulation Medical Specialty
Review Panel
Submission Type
Device Classification
Class 2
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible

CFR § 892.1200 Emission computed tomography system

§ 892.1200 Emission computed tomography system.

(a) Identification. An emission computed tomography system is a device intended to detect the location and distribution of gamma ray- and positron-emitting radionuclides in the body and produce cross-sectional images through computer reconstruction of the data. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, radionuclide anatomical markers, component parts, and accessories.

(b) Classification. Class II.