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Evoked Photon Image Capture Device

Page Type
Product Code
The System reports two sets of numbers under two different conditions, one with capacitive barrier to minimize the effect of variables such as oils and sweat on the image and one without the capacitive barrier. The response scale reports numerical measures of electrophysiological signals emanating from the skin. The device is limited to use as a measurement tool and is not intended for diagnostic purposes or for influencing any clinical decisions. This device is only to be used to image and document electrophysiological signals emanating from the skin.
Physical State
The system includes the following components: (1) The Device, (2) Power cord, (3) USB external cable, (4) Electrode cover, (5) Finger shroud, (6) Reference probe, (7) Reference probe cable, (8) Reference probe shroud, (9) Instructions for Use, (10) Computer All-In-One System or Laptop with Software installed, (11) Keyboard and mouse, (12) USB hardware key, (13) Capacitive barriers, (14) Cleaning cloths, and (15) Alcohol swabs
Technical Method
The System consists of the hardware attached to a computer/software system. The measurements are digital photographs acquired when placing a fingertip in contact with a glass electrode. A series of electrical impulses are applied to the glass electrode generating a localized electromagnetic field around the fingertip. Under the influence of this field, an image is generated.
Target Area
Finger tips
Regulation Medical Specialty
Review Panel
Submission Type
510(K) Exempt
Device Classification
Class 1
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible

CFR § 882.1561 Evoked photon image capture device

§ 882.1561 Evoked photon image capture device.

(a) Identification. An evoked photon image capture device is a prescription, electrically powered device intended for use as a noninvasive measurement tool that applies electricity to detect electrophysiological signals emanating from the skin, which are reported numerically and as images without clinical interpretation. The device is not intended for diagnostic purposes.

(b) Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in § 882.9.

[81 FR 67155, Sept. 30, 2016]

Evoked Photon Image Capture Device

Page Type
Product Code
The System reports two sets of numbers under two different conditions, one with capacitive barrier to minimize the effect of variables such as oils and sweat on the image and one without the capacitive barrier. The response scale reports numerical measures of electrophysiological signals emanating from the skin. The device is limited to use as a measurement tool and is not intended for diagnostic purposes or for influencing any clinical decisions. This device is only to be used to image and document electrophysiological signals emanating from the skin.
Physical State
The system includes the following components: (1) The Device, (2) Power cord, (3) USB external cable, (4) Electrode cover, (5) Finger shroud, (6) Reference probe, (7) Reference probe cable, (8) Reference probe shroud, (9) Instructions for Use, (10) Computer All-In-One System or Laptop with Software installed, (11) Keyboard and mouse, (12) USB hardware key, (13) Capacitive barriers, (14) Cleaning cloths, and (15) Alcohol swabs
Technical Method
The System consists of the hardware attached to a computer/software system. The measurements are digital photographs acquired when placing a fingertip in contact with a glass electrode. A series of electrical impulses are applied to the glass electrode generating a localized electromagnetic field around the fingertip. Under the influence of this field, an image is generated.
Target Area
Finger tips
Regulation Medical Specialty
Review Panel
Submission Type
510(K) Exempt
Device Classification
Class 1
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible

CFR § 882.1561 Evoked photon image capture device

§ 882.1561 Evoked photon image capture device.

(a) Identification. An evoked photon image capture device is a prescription, electrically powered device intended for use as a noninvasive measurement tool that applies electricity to detect electrophysiological signals emanating from the skin, which are reported numerically and as images without clinical interpretation. The device is not intended for diagnostic purposes.

(b) Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in § 882.9.

[81 FR 67155, Sept. 30, 2016]