Last synced on 16 August 2024 at 11:05 pm

Zimmon® Pancreatic Stents/Stent sets (SPSOF, SPSOS, ZEPDF, ZEPDS, ZPSOF, ZPSOS); Geenen® Pancreatic Stents/Stent Sets (GEPD, GPDS, GPSO, GPSOS); Johlin® Pancreatic Wedge Stent and Introducer Set (JPWS); Pushing Catheter and Guiding Catheter (GC, PC); Geenen® Sof-Flex® Pancreatic Stent (GPSO-SF. GPSOS-SF)

Page Type
Cleared 510(K)
FDA Hosted PDF
* The FDA doesn't provide PDFs for all submissions.

Zimmon® Pancreatic Stents/Stent sets (SPSOF, SPSOS, ZEPDF, ZEPDS, ZPSOF, ZPSOS); Geenen® Pancreatic Stents/Stent Sets (GEPD, GPDS, GPSO, GPSOS); Johlin® Pancreatic Wedge Stent and Introducer Set (JPWS); Pushing Catheter and Guiding Catheter (GC, PC); Geenen® Sof-Flex® Pancreatic Stent (GPSO-SF. GPSOS-SF)

Page Type
Cleared 510(K)
FDA Hosted PDF
* The FDA doesn't provide PDFs for all submissions.