Last synced on 20 December 2024 at 11:05 pm

Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories

Page Type
Product Code
Air compressor and vacuum unit that are connected to dental operative unit to provide compressed air and vacuum capability to power and drive other dental devices, which are attached to the dental operative unit.
Regulation Medical Specialty
Review Panel
Submission Type
510(K) Exempt
Device Classification
Class 1
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible

CFR § 872.6640 Dental operative unit and accessories

§ 872.6640 Dental operative unit and accessories.

(a) Identification. A dental operative unit and accessories is an AC-powered device that is intended to supply power to and serve as a base for other dental devices, such as a dental handpiece, a dental operating light, an air or water syringe unit, and oral cavity evacuator, a suction operative unit, and other dental devices and accessories. The device may be attached to a dental chair.

(b) Classification. Class I (general controls). Except for dental operative unit, accessories are exempt from premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to § 872.9.

[55 FR 48439, Nov. 20, 1990, as amended at 59 FR 63009, Dec. 7, 1994; 65 FR 2315, Jan. 14, 2000]

Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories

Page Type
Product Code
Air compressor and vacuum unit that are connected to dental operative unit to provide compressed air and vacuum capability to power and drive other dental devices, which are attached to the dental operative unit.
Regulation Medical Specialty
Review Panel
Submission Type
510(K) Exempt
Device Classification
Class 1
Regulation Number
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction Reporting
Implanted Device
Life-Sustain/Support Device
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible

CFR § 872.6640 Dental operative unit and accessories

§ 872.6640 Dental operative unit and accessories.

(a) Identification. A dental operative unit and accessories is an AC-powered device that is intended to supply power to and serve as a base for other dental devices, such as a dental handpiece, a dental operating light, an air or water syringe unit, and oral cavity evacuator, a suction operative unit, and other dental devices and accessories. The device may be attached to a dental chair.

(b) Classification. Class I (general controls). Except for dental operative unit, accessories are exempt from premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to § 872.9.

[55 FR 48439, Nov. 20, 1990, as amended at 59 FR 63009, Dec. 7, 1994; 65 FR 2315, Jan. 14, 2000]