- AnesthesiologyReview Panel
- CardiovascularReview Panel
- ChemistryReview Panel
- MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
- Subpart B—Biological StainsCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart B—Clinical Chemistry Test SystemsCFR Sub-Part
- CDNUrease, Photometric, Urea Nitrogen2Product Code
- CDOAcid, Uric, Uricase (U.V.)1Product Code
- CDPRadioimmunoassay, Total Triiodothyronine2Product Code
- CDEChromatographic Separation/Zimmerman, 17-Ketosteroids1Product Code
- CHARadioimmunoassay, Corticosterone1Product Code
- CDFAcid, Vanilmandelic, Diazo, P-Nitroaniline/Vanillin1Product Code
- CDGChromatography Separation/Zimmerman 17-Ketogenic Steroids1Product Code
- CDHAcid, Uric, Phosphotungstate Reduction1Product Code
- CDKAcid, Vanilmandelic, Electrophoretic Separation1Product Code
- CDLBerthelot Indophenol, Urea Nitrogen2Product Code
- CDMDiazonium Colorimetry, Urobilinogen (Urinary, Non-Quant.)1Product Code
- CCYZimmerman (Spectrophotometric), 17-Ketosteroids1Product Code
- CCZZimmerman/Norymberski, 17-Ketogenic Steroids1Product Code
- CDAAcid, Nitrous And Nitrosonaphthol, 5-Hydroxyindole Acetic Acid/Serotonin1Product Code
- CDBPorter Silber Hydrazone, 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids1Product Code
- CDCL-Leucyl B-Naphthylamide, Leucine Aminopeptidase1Product Code
- CDDRadioassay, Vitamin B122Product Code
- CDQUrease And Glutamic Dehydrogenase, Urea Nitrogen2Product Code
- CDR1-Nitroso-2-Naphthol (Fluorometric), Free Tyrosine1Product Code
- CDSElectrode, Ion Specific, Urea Nitrogen2Product Code
- CDTLipase Hydrolysis/Glycerol Kinase Enzyme, Triglycerides1Product Code
- CDWDiacetyl-Monoxime, Urea Nitrogen2Product Code
- CDXRadioimmunoassay, Total Thyroxine2Product Code
- CDZRadioimmunoassay, Testosterones And Dihydrotestosterone1Product Code
- CEATlc Chromatographic Separation Triglycerides1Product Code
- CECRadioimmunoassay, Free Thyroxine2Product Code
- CED5-Amp-Phosphate Release (Colorimetric Test), 5'-Nucleotidase1Product Code
- CEERadioimmunoassay, Thyroxine-Binding Globulin2Product Code
- CEFElectrophoretic, Protein Fractionation1Product Code
- CEIUranyl Acetate/Zinc Acetate, Sodium2Product Code
- CEJTetraphenyl Borate, Colorimetry, Potassium2Product Code
- CEKBiuret (Colorimetric), Total Protein2Product Code
- CELAmmonium Molybdate And Ammonium Vanadate, Phospholipids1Product Code
- CEMElectrode, Ion Specific, Potassium2Product Code
- CENDye-Indicator, Ph (Urinary, Non-Quantitative)1Product Code
- CEOPhosphomolybdate (Colorimetric), Inorganic Phosphorus1Product Code
- CEPRadioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone1Product Code
- CEQMolybdenum Blue Method, Phospholipids1Product Code
- CER2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine, Lactate Dehydrogenase2Product Code
- CESChromogenesis, Phenylketones (Urinary, Non-Quant.)1Product Code
- CETOlive Oil Emulsion (Turbidimetric), Lipase1Product Code
- CEWRadioimmunoassay, Parathyroid Hormone2Product Code
- CEXChromatographic Separation, Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes2Product Code
- CFAElectrode, Ion Specific, Magnesium1Product Code
- CFBChromatographic Derivative, Total Lipids1Product Code
- CFDSulfophosphovanillin, Colorimetry, Total Lipids1Product Code
- CFEElectrophoretic, Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes2Product Code
- CFGOil Emulsion/Thymolphthalein (Titrimetric), Lipase1Product Code
- CFHTetrazolium Int Dye-Diaphorase, Lactate Dehydrogenase2Product Code
- CFJNad Reduction/Nadh Oxidation, Lactate Dehydrogenase2Product Code
- CFLRadioimmunoassay, Human Growth Hormone1Product Code
- CFMBathophenanthroline, Colorimetry, Iron (Non-Heme)1Product Code
- CFOTitrimetric, Magnesium1Product Code
- CFPRadioimmunoassay, Immunoreactive Insulin1Product Code
- CFRHexokinase, Glucose2Product Code
- CFTRadioimmunoassay, Prolactin (Lactogen)1Product Code
- CFWCopper Reduction, Glucose2Product Code
- CGAGlucose Oxidase, Glucose2Product Code
- CGCRadioimmunoassay, Gastrin1Product Code
- CGDFerricyanide, Glucose2Product Code
- CGEOrthotoluidine, Glucose2Product Code
- CGFRadioimmunoassay, Estrone1Product Code
- CGHElectrophoretic, Globulin1Product Code
- CGIRadioimmunoassay, Estriol1Product Code
- CGJRadioimmunoassay, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone1Product Code
- CGLElectrode, Ion Based, Enzymatic, Creatinine2Product Code
- CGNAcid, Folic, Radioimmunoassay2Product Code
- CGOLieberman-Burchard/Abell-Kendall, Colorimetric, Cholesterol1Product Code
- CGRRadioimmunoassay, Cortisol2Product Code
- CGSNad Reduction/Nadh Oxidation, Cpk Or Isoenzymes2Product Code
- CGTRadioimmunoassay, Cyclic Gmp2Product Code
- CGXAlkaline Picrate, Colorimetry, Creatinine2Product Code
- CGZElectrode, Ion-Specific, Chloride2Product Code
- CHCTitrimetric Permanganate And Bromophenol Blue, Calcium2Product Code
- CHDAcid, Ferric Ion-Sulfuric, Cholesterol1Product Code
- CHERadioimmunoassay, Corticoids1Product Code
- CHGAcid, Phosphoric-Tungstic (Spectrophotometric), Chloride2Product Code
- CHHEnzymatic Esterase--Oxidase, Cholesterol1Product Code
- CHILipase-Esterase, Enzymatic, Photometric, Lipase1Product Code
- CHJMercuric Thiocyanate, Colorimetry, Chloride2Product Code
- CHKMercuric Nitrate And Diphenyl Carbazone (Titrimetric), Chloride2Product Code
- CHLElectrode Measurement, Blood-Gases (Pco2, Po2) And Blood Ph2Product Code
- CHMRadioimmunoassay, Total Estrogens In Pregnancy1Product Code
- CHORadioimmunoassay, Cyclic Amp2Product Code
- CHPRadioimmunoassay, Estradiol1Product Code
- CHQChromatographic/Fluorometric Method, Catecholamines1Product Code
- CHRTitrimetric Phenol Red, Carbon-Dioxide2Product Code
- CHSCoulometric Method, Carbon-Dioxide2Product Code
- CHTElectrophoretic Method, Catecholamines1Product Code
- CHWTitrimetric With Edta And Indicator, Calcium2Product Code
- CHZDi (O-Hydroxyphenylimine) Ethane, Calcium2Product Code
- CIAMethylthymol Blue, Calcium2Product Code
- CIBRadioimmunoassay, Angiotensin I And Renin2Product Code
- CICCresolphthalein Complexone, Calcium2Product Code
- CIDAlizarin Sulfonate, Calcium2Product Code
- CIEVolumetric/Manometric, Carbon-Dioxide2Product Code
- CIFVanillin Pyruvate, Ast/Sgot2Product Code
- CIGDiazo Colorimetry, Bilirubin2Product Code
- CIJSaccharogenic, Amylase2Product Code
- CIKRadial Diffusion, Amylase2Product Code
- CILCresol Red Colorimetry, Carbon-Dioxide2Product Code
- CINElectrophoretic Separation, Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes2Product Code
- CIOThymolphthalein Monophosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes2Product Code
- CIQDiazo, Ast/Sgot2Product Code
- CISHydrazone Colorimetry, Ast/Sgot2Product Code
- CITNadh Oxidation/Nad Reduction, Ast/Sgot2Product Code
- CIWStarch-Dye Bound Polymer, Amylase2Product Code
- CIXBromcresol Green Dye-Binding, Albumin2Product Code
- CIYRadioimmunoassay, Androsterone1Product Code
- CIZRadioimmunoassay, Androstenedione1Product Code
- CJAAmyloclastic, Amylase2Product Code
- CJBChromatographic Separation/Radioimmunoassay, Aldosterone2Product Code
- CJCFructose-1, 6-Diphosphate And Nadh (U.V.), Aldolase1Product Code
- CJDNitrosalicylate Reduction, Amylase2Product Code
- CJENitrophenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes2Product Code
- CJFTetrabromophenolphthalein, Albumin2Product Code
- CJGTetrabromo-M-Cresolsulfonphthalein, Albumin2Product Code
- CJHThymol Blue Monophosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes2Product Code
- CJIDisodium Phenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes2Product Code
- CJJDiazo, Alt/Sgpt1Product Code
- CJKPhenolphthalein Phosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes2Product Code
- CJLBeta Glycerophosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes2Product Code
- CJMRadioimmunoassay, Aldosterone2Product Code
- CJNAcid Phosphatase, Nitrophenylphosphate2Product Code
- CJOAlpha-Naphthyl Phosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes2Product Code
- CJQRadial Immunodiffusion, Albumin2Product Code
- CJRAcid Phosphatase, Thymol Blue Monophosphate2Product Code
- CJTHydrazone Colorimetry, Aldolase1Product Code
- CJWBromcresol Purple Dye-Binding, Albumin2Product Code
- CJXAcid Phosphatase, Disodium Phenylphosphate2Product Code
- CJYAzo Dye, Calcium2Product Code
- CJZAcid, Hydroxyazobenzene-Benzoic, Albumin2Product Code
- CKANadh Oxidation/Nad Reduction, Alt/Sgpt1Product Code
- CKBAcid Phosphatase, Naphthyl Phosphate2Product Code
- CKCVanillin Pyruvate, Alt/Sgpt1Product Code
- CKDHydrazone Colorimetry, Alt/Sgpt1Product Code
- CKEAcid Phosphatase, Thymolphthale Inmonophosphate2Product Code
- CKFPhenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes2Product Code
- CKGRadioimmunoassay, Acth2Product Code
- CKHAcid Phosphatase, Beta Glycerophosphate2Product Code
- DHASystem, Test, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin2Product Code
- GIMTubes, Vacuum Sample, With Anticoagulant2Product Code
- GJETray, Blood Collection2Product Code
- JFHAcid Phosphatase (Prostatic), Tartrate Inhibited2Product Code
- JFJCatalytic Methods, Amylase2Product Code
- JFLPh Rate Measurement, Carbon-Dioxide2Product Code
- JFMEnzymatic Method, Bilirubin2Product Code
- JFNAtomic Absorption, Calcium2Product Code
- JFOFluorometric, Calcium2Product Code
- JFPElectrode, Ion Specific, Calcium2Product Code
- JFSCoulometric, Chloride2Product Code
- JFTFluorometric, Cortisol2Product Code
- JFYEnzymatic Method, Creatinine2Product Code
- JGCTryptophan Measurement (Colorimetric), Globulin1Product Code
- JGDNephelometric Method, Globulin1Product Code
- JGETurbidimetric Method, Globulin1Product Code
- JGFDifferential Rate Kinetic Method, Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes2Product Code
- JGGL-Leucine-4-Nitroanilide (Colorimetric), Leucine Arylamidase1Product Code
- JGIAtomic Absorption, Magnesium1Product Code
- JGJPhotometric Method, Magnesium1Product Code
- JGKFerric Chloride, Phenylketones (Urinary, Non-Quant.)1Product Code
- JGMFlame Photometry, Potassium2Product Code
- JGPLowry (Colorimetric), Total Protein2Product Code
- JGQTurbidimetric, Total Protein2Product Code
- JGRRefractometric, Total Protein2Product Code
- JGSElectrode, Ion Specific, Sodium2Product Code
- JGTFlame Photometry, Sodium2Product Code
- JGWFluorometric Method, Triglycerides1Product Code
- JGXTurbidimetric Method, Triglycerides1Product Code
- JGYColorimetric Method, Triglycerides1Product Code
- JGZO-Phthalaldehyde, Urea Nitrogen2Product Code
- JHAAcid, Uric, Uricase (Gasometric)1Product Code
- JHCAcid, Uric, Uricase (Oxygen Rate)1Product Code
- JHDFluorometric Method, 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids1Product Code
- JHERadioassay, 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids1Product Code
- JHFColorimetric Method, Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio2Product Code
- JHGChromatographic Separation, Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio2Product Code
- JHHElectrophoretic Method, Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio2Product Code
- JHIVisual, Pregnancy Hcg, Prescription Use2Product Code
- JHJAgglutination Method, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin2Product Code
- JHLMicrodensitometry Method, Lipoproteins1Product Code
- JHMColorimetric Method, Lipoproteins1Product Code
- JHNTurbidimetric Method, Lipoproteins1Product Code
- JHOElectrophoretic Separation, Lipoproteins1Product Code
- JHPRadial Immunodiffusion, Lipoproteins1Product Code
- JHQNephelometric Method, Lipoproteins1Product Code
- JHSDifferential Rate Kinetic Method, Cpk Or Isoenzymes2Product Code
- JHTChromatographic Separation, Cpk Isoenzymes2Product Code
- JHWU.V. Method, Cpk Isoenzymes2Product Code
- JHXFluorometric Method, Cpk Or Isoenzymes2Product Code
- JHYColorimetric Method, Cpk Or Isoenzymes2Product Code
- JIAEnzymatic Methods, Galactose1Product Code
- JIBU.V. Method, Galactose1Product Code
- JICColorimetric Method, Galactose1Product Code
- JIDPhotometric Method, Ammonia1Product Code
- JIEMethod, Ion-Exchange, Ammonia1Product Code
- JIFEnzymatic Method, Ammonia1Product Code
- JIGElectrode, Ion-Specific Method, Ammonia1Product Code
- JIJWet Ash Method, Protein-Bound Iodine1Product Code
- JIKDry Ash Method, Protein-Bound Iodine1Product Code
- JILMethod, Enzymatic, Glucose (Urinary, Non-Quantitative)2Product Code
- JIMMethod, Metallic Reduction, Glucose (Urinary, Non-Quantitative)2Product Code
- JINNitroprusside, Ketones (Urinary, Non-Quant.)1Product Code
- JIQTurbidimetric Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.)1Product Code
- JIRIndicator Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.)1Product Code
- JISCalibrator, Primary2Product Code
- JITCalibrator, Secondary2Product Code
- JIWCalibrator, Surrogate2Product Code
- JIXCalibrator, Multi-Analyte Mixture2Product Code
- JIYPhotometric Method, Iron (Non-Heme)1Product Code
- JIZAtomic Absorption, Iron (Non-Heme)1Product Code
- JJARadio-Labeled Iron Method, Iron (Non-Heme)1Product Code
- JJBAzo-Dyes, Colorimetric, Bilirubin & Its Conjugates (Urinary, Non-Quant.)1Product Code
- JJRElectrolyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed)1Product Code
- JJSControls For Blood-Gases, (Assayed And Unassayed)1Product Code
- JJTEnzyme Controls (Assayed And Unassayed)1Product Code
- JJWUrinalysis Controls (Assayed And Unassayed)1Product Code
- JJXSingle (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed)1Product Code
- JJYMulti-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed)1Product Code
- JKATubes, Vials, Systems, Serum Separators, Blood Collection2Product Code
- JKBRadioimmunoassay, Compound S (11-Deoxycortisol)1Product Code
- JKCRadioimmunoassay, Dehydroepiandrosterone (Free And Sulfate)1Product Code
- JKDRadioimmunoassay, C-Peptides Of Proinsulin1Product Code
- JKFDinitrophenyl Hydrazone Measurement (Colorimetric), Hydroxybutyric Dehydroge1Product Code
- JKGL-Isocitrate And Nadp (U.V.), Isocitric Dehydrogenase1Product Code
- JKHHydrazone Deriv. Of Alpha-Ketogluterate (Colorimetry), Isocitric Dehydrogen1Product Code
- JKJFluorometric Measurement, Porphyrins1Product Code
- JKLAcid, Delta-Aminolevulinic, Ion-Exchange Columns With Colorimetry1Product Code
- JKPChromium-51, Blood Volume1Product Code
- JKRRadioimmunoassay, Calcitonin2Product Code
- JKWN-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine Ethyl Ester (U.V.), Chymotrypsin1Product Code
- JKXN-Benzoyl-L-Tyrosine Ethyl Ester (U.V.), Chymotrypsin1Product Code
- JKYOxalydihydrazide (Spectroscopic), Copper1Product Code
- JKZDiethyldithiocarbamate (Colorimetric), Copper1Product Code
- JLAConversion To Creatinine, Creatine1Product Code
- JLBAtp And Creatine Kinase (Enzymatic), Creatine1Product Code
- JLCNitroprusside Reaction (Qualitative, Urine), Cystine1Product Code
- JLDChromatographic, Cystine1Product Code
- JLERadioimmunoassay, Desoxycorticosterone1Product Code
- JLFRadioimmunoassay, Etiocholanolone1Product Code
- JLGConversion To Ferric Hydroxymates (Colorimetric), Fatty Acids1Product Code
- JLHTitrimetric, Fatty Acids1Product Code
- JLITetrahydrofolate, Enzymatic (U.V.), Formiminoglutamic Acid1Product Code
- JLJUridine-5-Diphosphoglucose, Nad (U.V.), Alpha-D Galactose-1-Phosphate2Product Code
- JLKSodium Hydroxide And Phenol Red (Titrimetric), Gastric Acidity1Product Code
- JLLTubeless Analysis, Gastric Acidity1Product Code
- JLNChromatographic, Glutathione1Product Code
- JLOEnzymatic (Glutathione Reductase), Glutathione1Product Code
- JLPSpectrophotometric Method, Pregnanediol1Product Code
- JLQSpectrophotometric Method, Pregnanetriol1Product Code
- JLRGas Chromatography, Pregnanetriol1Product Code
- JLSRadioimmunoassay, Progesterone1Product Code
- JLTAcid, Pyruvic, Enzymatic (U.V.)1Product Code
- JLWRadioimmunoassay, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone2Product Code
- JLXRadioimmunoassay, 17-Hydroxyprogesterone1Product Code
- JLYPhosphoglycerate Mutase (Colorimetric), 2,3-Diphosphoglyceric Acid1Product Code
- JLZNadh, Phosphoglycerate Mutase, Atp (U.V.) 2,3-Diphosphoglyceric Acid1Product Code
- JMAAcid, Ascorbic, 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine (Spectrophotometric)1Product Code
- JMDRadioimmunoassay, Total Estrogens, Nonpregnancy1Product Code
- JMERadioimmunoassay, Glucagon1Product Code
- JMFRadioimmunoassay, Human Placental Lactogen2Product Code
- JMIChromatographic, Histidine1Product Code
- JMJMicrobiological, Histidine1Product Code
- JMKAcid, Alpha-Ketobutyric And Nadh (U.V.), Hydroxybutyric Dehydrogenase1Product Code
- JMMColumn Chromatography & Color Development, Hydroxyproline1Product Code
- JMNExtraction Plus Chromatography With Color By Ninhydrin, Hydroxyproline1Product Code
- JMOFerrozine (Colorimetric) Iron Binding Capacity1Product Code
- JMQM. Lysodeikticus Cells (Spectrophotometric), Lysozyme (Muramidase)1Product Code
- JMRImmunochemical, Lysozyme (Muramidase)1Product Code
- JMSAcid, Oxalacetic And Nadh Oxidation (U.V.), Malic Dehydrogenase1Product Code
- JMTDiazo (Colorimetric), Nitrite (Urinary, Non-Quant)1Product Code
- JMW2,4-Dinitrofluorobenzene (Spectroscopic), Nitrogen (Amino-Nitrogen)1Product Code
- JMXNinhydrin, Nitrogen (Amino-Nitrogen)1Product Code
- JMYCitrulline, Arsenate, Nessler (Colorimetry), Ornithine Carbamyl Transferase1Product Code
- JMZComparison Of Freezing Points & Stds. Of Known Osmotic Pressure, Osmolality1Product Code
- JNAVapor Pressure, Osmolality Of Serum & Urine1Product Code
- JNBNinhydrin And L-Leucyl-L-Alanine (Fluorimetric), Phenylalanine2Product Code
- JNCColumn Or Paper Chromatography Plus Ninhydrin, Phenylalanine2Product Code
- JNDNadp Reduction, 6-Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase1Product Code
- JNEGlucose-6-Phosphate (Colorimetric), Phosphohexose Isomerase1Product Code
- JNFIon-Exchange Resin, Ehrlich'S Reagent, Porphobilinogen1Product Code
- JNGRadioimmunoassay, Pregnenolone1Product Code
- JNJPhosphoenol Pyruvate, Adp, Nadh, Pyruvate Kinase1Product Code
- JNKBeta-D-Fructose & Nadh Oxidation (U.V.), Sorbitol Dehydrogenase1Product Code
- JNNP-Toluenesulphonyl-L-Arginine Methyl Ester (U.V.), Trypsin1Product Code
- JNON-Benzoyl-L-Arginine Ethyl Ester (U.V.), Trypsin1Product Code
- JNPInfrared Spectroscopy Measurement, Urinary Calculi (Stone)1Product Code
- JNQQualitative Chemical Reactions, Urinary Calculi (Stone)1Product Code
- JNSStannous Chloride - Hydrazine, Phospholipids1Product Code
- JNTChromatographic, Phospholipids1Product Code
- JNXMembrane Osmometry, Plasma Oncometry1Product Code
- JNYGlyceralde-3-Phosphate, Nadh (Enzymatic), Triose Phosphate Isomerase1Product Code
- JNZFluorometric, Uroporphyrin1Product Code
- JOAAcid, Trifluoroacetic, Vitamin A, Hexane Extraction1Product Code
- JOBHexane Extraction, Fluorescence, Vitamin E1Product Code
- JOCColorimetric, Xylose1Product Code
- JPZColorimetric Method, Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase1Product Code
- JQAElectrophoretic, Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase Isoenzymes1Product Code
- JQBKinetic Method, Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase1Product Code
- JQDResin, Ion-Exchange, Thioglycolic Acid, Colorimetry, Iron Binding Capacity1Product Code
- JQEResin, Ion-Exchange, Ascorbic Acid, Colorimetry, Iron Binding Capacity1Product Code
- JQFBathophenanthroline, Iron Binding Capacity1Product Code
- JQGRadiometric, Fe59, Iron Binding Capacity1Product Code
- JQHTrinitrobenzene Sulfonate (Spectroscopic), Nitrogen (Amino-Nitrogen)1Product Code
- JQIRotating Disc, Plasma Viscometry1Product Code
- JQJDensitometeric, Protein Fractionation1Product Code
- JQKImmunodiffusion, Protein Fractionation1Product Code
- JQLSpectrophotometric, Uroporphyrin1Product Code
- JQMP-Bromoaniline, Xylose1Product Code
- JQNColorimetric, Mucopolysaccharides1Product Code
- KHMNephelometric, Amylase2Product Code
- KHPAcid, Lactic, Enzymatic Method1Product Code
- KHQRadioassay, Triiodothyronine Uptake2Product Code
- KHSEnzymatic, Carbon-Dioxide2Product Code
- KLIEnzyme Immunoassay, Non-Radiolabeled, Total Thyroxine2Product Code
- KLJNad Reduction (U.V.), Phosphohexose Isomerase1Product Code
- KMSPhenolphthalein Colorimetry, Carbon-Dioxide2Product Code
- KNKAcid, Uric, Uricase (Colorimetric)1Product Code
- KQNRadioassay, Angiotensin Converting Enzyme2Product Code
- KQPFluorescent Proc. (Qual.), Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyl Transferase2Product Code
- KWWRadioimmunoassay, Cholyglycine, Bile Acids2Product Code
- KWXRadioimmunoassay, Conjugated Sulfalithocholic (Slcg) Acid, Bile Acids2Product Code
- LBRLdl & Vldl Precipitation, Hdl1Product Code
- LBSLdl & Vldl Precipitation, Cholesterol Via Esterase-Oxidase, Hdl1Product Code
- LBTElectrophoresis, Cholesterol Via Esterase-Oxidase, Hdl1Product Code
- LCHTonometer (Calibration And Q.C. Of Blood-Gas Instruments), Clinical1Product Code
- LCXKit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter2Product Code
- LFPConductivity Rate, Urea Nitrogen2Product Code
- LFQAcid, Uric, Acid Reduction Of Ferric Ion1Product Code
- LFRGlucose Dehydrogenase, Glucose2Product Code
- LFSRadioreceptor Assay, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin2Product Code
- LIGRadioassay, Intrinsic Factor Blocking Antibody2Product Code
- LPSUrinary Homocystine (Nonquantitative) Test System2Product Code
- LPTSystem, Test, Urinary Methylmalonic Acid2Product Code
- LPWSystem, Test, Oxalate1Product Code
- MMIImmunoassay Method, Troponin Subunit2Product Code
- MPGUrinary Carbohydrate Analysis Kit1Product Code
- MQMBilirubin (Total And Unbound) In The Neonate Test System1Product Code
- MRGSystem, Test, Vitamin D2Product Code
- MRRSystem, Test, Low Density, Lipoprotein1Product Code
- MRVDrink, Glucose Tolerance2Product Code
- MSJApolipoproteins1Product Code
- MSMSystem, Test, Lipoprotein(A)1Product Code
- MYTBiosensor, Immunoassay, Cpk Or Isoenzymes2Product Code
- MZUSystem, Test, Sodium, Enzymatic Method2Product Code
- MZVTest, System, Potassium, Enzymatic Method2Product Code
- NAKSystem, Test, Biotinidase2Product Code
- NALTest, Immunoassay, Biosensor, Hcg2Product Code
- NAOTest, Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin1Product Code
- NAQLipoprotein, High Density, Hdl, Over The Counter1Product Code
- NBCTest, Natriuretic Peptide2Product Code
- NBWSystem, Test, Blood Glucose, Over The Counter2Product Code
- NDREnzyme Immunoassay, Inhibin-A1Product Code
- NDYTest, Cystatin C2Product Code
- NEOSystem, Test, Osteocalcin2Product Code
- NHGEnzyme Immunoassay, Cortisol, Salivary2Product Code
- NJVTest, Albumin Cobalt Binding2Product Code
- NQLSystem, Test, Amino Acids, Free Carnitines And Acylcarnitines Tandem Mass Spectrometry2Product Code
- NQMImmunoassay For Detection Of Amniotic Fluid Protein(S).1Product Code
- NRHSystem, Breath Measurement1Product Code
- OAMImmunoassay, Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-11Product Code
- OHQMulti-Analyte Controls Unassayed1Product Code
- OLDInternal Polymerase Chain Reaction Control, Not Assay Specific1Product Code
- ONDOsmolality Of Tears1Product Code
- OSXGalectin-3 In Vitro Diagnostic Assay2Product Code
- OYGSt2 Assay2Product Code
- OYJDna Specimen Collection, Saliva2Product Code
- PDJHemoglobin A1c Test System2Product Code
- PDSAmniotic Fluid Protein Immunoassay1Product Code
- PFQMmp-9 Test System1Product Code
- PIGAcute Kidney Injury Test System2Product Code
- PJCNewborn Screening Specimen Collection Paper2Product Code
- PJDOral Fluid Drugs Of Abuse And Alcohol Test Specimen Collection Device2Product Code
- PJEBlood/Plasma Collection Device For Dna Testing2Product Code
- PJTContinuous Glucose Monitor Secondary Display2Product Code
- PKUInsulin Pump Secondary Display2Product Code
- PQDBlood Specimen Collection Convenience Kit (Excludes Hiv)2Product Code
- PRJCapillary Blood Collection Device For Alternative Site Collection2Product Code
- PSL25-Oh-Vitamin D Mass Spectrometry Test System2Product Code
- PTCUric Acid Test System For At Home Prescription Use1Product Code
- PYPLow-Density Lipoprotein (Ldl) Cholesterol Sub-Fraction Test1Product Code
- PYVHospital Continuous Glucose Monitoring System2Product Code
- PZIPrescription Use Blood Glucose Meter For Near-Patient Testing2Product Code
- QBJIntegrated Continuous Glucose Monitoring System, Factory Calibrated2Product Code
- QCCInsulin Pump Therapy Adjustment Calculator For Healthcare Professionals2Product Code
- QDKIntegrated Continuous Glucose Monitoring System For Non-Intensive Diabetes Management2Product Code
- QDLIntegrated Continuous Glucose Monitoring System For Professional Retrospective Use2Product Code
- QIIIntegrated Continuous Glucose Monitoring System For Professional Directed Retrospective Or Real-Time Use2Product Code
- QJIInteroperable Automated Glycemic Controller2Product Code
- QJSInteroperable Automated Glycemic Controller, Insulin Suspend2Product Code
- QLGIntegrated Continuous Glucose Monitoring System, Factory Calibrated, Not For Use With Automated Insulin Delivery Systems2Product Code
- QMABlood Collection Device For Cell-Free Nucleic Acid2Product Code
- QQBPrognostic Test For Assessment Of Liver Related Disease Progression2Product Code
- OJQCardiac Allograft Gene Expression Profiling Test System2Product Code
- QRXContinuous Glucose Monitor Informed Insulin Dose Calculator2Product Code
- QZGMenstrual Blood Collection Device2Product Code
- SAFIntegrated Continuous Glucose Monitor For Non-Intensive Glucose Monitoring, Over-The-Counter2Product Code
- SBHIntegrated Continuous Glucose Monitor For Non-Intensive Glucose Management, Over-The-Counter2Product Code
- Subpart B—Diagnostic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart C—Clinical Laboratory InstrumentsCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart C—Microbiology DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart D—Clinical Toxicology Test SystemsCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart D—Pathology Instrumentation and AccessoriesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart D—Serological ReagentsCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart F—General Hospital and Personal Use Therapeutic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart F—Immunological Test SystemsCFR Sub-Part
- DentalReview Panel
- Ear, Nose, ThroatReview Panel
- Gastroenterology and UrologyReview Panel
- General HospitalReview Panel
- HematologyReview Panel
- ImmunologyReview Panel
- MicrobiologyReview Panel
- NeurologyReview Panel
- Obstetrical and GynecologicalReview Panel
- OphthalmicReview Panel
- OrthopedicReview Panel
- PathologyReview Panel
- Physical MedicineReview Panel
- RadiologyReview Panel
- General and Plastic SurgeryReview Panel
- ToxicologyReview Panel
- Medical GeneticsReview Panel
- UnknownReview Panel
Interoperable Automated Glycemic Controller, Insulin Suspend
- Page Type
- Product Code
- Definition
- An interoperable automated glycemic controller, insulin suspend, is a device that temporarily suspend and resumes insulin infusion from a connected infusion pump based on specified thresholds and input glucose levels. Interoperable automated glycemic controllers, insulin suspend, are designed to reliably and securely communicate with digitally connected devices to allow insulin delivery suspension and resumption commands to be sent, received, executed, and confirmed. Interoperable automated glycemic controllers, insulin suspend, are intended to be used in conjunction with digitally connected devices for the purpose of maintaining glycemic control.
- Physical State
- This is a software device used to control a compatible insulin pump based on inputs from compatible glucose monitor.
- Technical Method
- Works interoperably with an integrated continuous glucose monitor to measure glucose levels and suspend or resume insulin delivery from an alternate controller enabled insulin pump.
- Target Area
- Standalone software
- Regulation Medical Specialty
- Chemistry
- Review Panel
- Chemistry
- Submission Type
- 510(K)
- Device Classification
- Class 2
- Regulation Number
- 862.1356
- GMP Exempt?
- No
- Summary Malfunction Reporting
- Ineligible
- Implanted Device
- No
- Life-Sustain/Support Device
- No
- Third Party Review
- Not Third Party Eligible
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CFR § 862.1356 Interoperable automated glycemic controller
§ 862.1356 Interoperable automated glycemic controller.
(a) Identification. An interoperable automated glycemic controller is a device intended to automatically calculate drug doses based on inputs such as glucose and other relevant physiological parameters, and to command the delivery of such drug doses from a connected infusion pump. Interoperable automated glycemic controllers are designed to reliably and securely communicate with digitally connected devices to allow drug delivery commands to be sent, received, executed, and confirmed. Interoperable automated glycemic controllers are intended to be used in conjunction with digitally connected devices for the purpose of maintaining glycemic control.
(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The special controls for this device are:
(1) Design verification and validation must include:
(i) An appropriate, as determined by FDA, clinical implementation strategy, including data demonstrating appropriate, as determined by FDA, clinical performance of the device for its intended use, including all of its indications for use.
(A) The clinical data must be representative of the performance of the device in the intended use population and in clinically relevant use scenarios and sufficient to demonstrate appropriate, as determined by FDA, clinical performance of the device for its intended use, including all of its indications for use.
(B) For devices indicated for use with multiple therapeutic agents for the same therapeutic effect (e.g., more than one type of insulin), data demonstrating performance with each product or, alternatively, an appropriate, as determined by FDA, clinical justification for why such data are not needed.
(C) When determined to be necessary by FDA, the strategy must include postmarket data collection to confirm safe real-world use and monitor for rare adverse events.
(ii) Results obtained through a human factors study that demonstrates that an intended user can safely use the device for its intended use.
(iii) A detailed and appropriate, as determined by FDA, strategy to ensure secure and reliable means of data transmission with other intended connected devices.
(iv) Specifications that are appropriate, as determined by FDA, for connected devices that shall be eligible to provide input to (e.g., specification of glucose sensor performance) or accept commands from (e.g., specifications for drug infusion pump performance) the controller, and a detailed strategy for ensuring that connected devices meet these specifications.
(v) Specifications for devices responsible for hosting the controller, and a detailed and appropriate, as determined by FDA, strategy for ensuring that the specifications are met by the hosting devices.
(vi) Documentation demonstrating that appropriate, as determined by FDA, measures are in place (e.g., validated device design features) to ensure that safe therapy is maintained when communication with digitally connected devices is interrupted, lost, or re-established after an interruption. Validation testing results must demonstrate that critical events that occur during a loss of communications (e.g., commands, device malfunctions, occlusions, etc.) are handled and logged appropriately during and after the interruption to maintain patient safety.
(vii) A detailed plan and procedure for assigning postmarket responsibilities including adverse event reporting, complaint handling, and investigations with the manufacturers of devices that are digitally connected to the controller.
(2) Design verification and validation documentation must include appropriate design inputs and design outputs that are essential for the proper functioning of the device that have been documented and include the following:
(i) Risk control measures to address device system hazards;
(ii) Design decisions related to how the risk control measures impact essential performance; and
(iii) A traceability analysis demonstrating that all hazards are adequately controlled and that all controls have been validated in the final device design.
(3) The device shall include appropriate, as determined by FDA, and validated interface specifications for digitally connected devices. These interface specifications shall, at a minimum, provide for the following:
(i) Secure authentication (pairing) to connected devices;
(ii) Secure, accurate, and reliable means of data transmission between the controller and connected devices;
(iii) Sharing of necessary state information between the controller and any connected devices (e.g., battery level, reservoir level, sensor use life, pump status, error conditions);
(iv) Ensuring that the controller continues to operate safely when data is received in a manner outside the bounds of the parameters specified;
(v) A detailed process and procedures for sharing the controller's interface specification with connected devices and for validating the correct implementation of that protocol; and
(vi) A mechanism for updating the controller software, including any software that is required for operation of the controller in a manner that ensures its safety and performance.
(4) The device design must ensure that a record of critical events is stored and accessible for an adequate period to allow for auditing of communications between digitally connected devices, and to facilitate the sharing of pertinent information with the responsible parties for those connected devices. Critical events to be stored by the controller must, at a minimum, include:
(i) Commands issued by the controller, and associated confirmations the controller receives from digitally connected devices;
(ii) Malfunctions of the controller and malfunctions reported to the controller by digitally connected devices (e.g., infusion pump occlusion, glucose sensor shut down);
(iii) Alarms and alerts and associated acknowledgements from the controller as well as those reported to the controller by digitally connected devices; and
(iv) Connectivity events (e.g., establishment or loss of communications).
(5) The device must only receive glucose input from devices cleared under § 862.1355 (integrated continuous glucose monitoring system), unless FDA determines an alternate type of glucose input device is designed appropriately to allow the controller to meet the special controls contained within this section.
(6) The device must only command drug delivery from devices cleared under § 880.5730 of this chapter (alternate controller enabled infusion pump), unless FDA determines an alternate type of drug infusion pump device is designed appropriately to allow the controller to meet the special controls contained within this section.
(7) An appropriate, as determined by FDA, training plan must be established for users and healthcare providers to assure the safety and performance of the device when used. This may include, but not be limited to, training on device contraindications, situations in which the device should not be used, notable differences in device functionality or features compared to similar alternative therapies, and information to help prescribers identify suitable candidate patients, as applicable.
(8) The labeling required under § 809.10(b) of this chapter must include:
(i) A contraindication for use in pediatric populations except to the extent clinical performance data or other available information demonstrates that it can be safely used in pediatric populations in whole or in part.
(ii) A prominent statement identifying any populations for which use of this device has been determined to be unsafe.
(iii) A prominent statement identifying by name the therapeutic agents that are compatible with the controller, including their identity and concentration, as appropriate.
(iv) The identity of those digitally connected devices with which the controller can be used, including descriptions of the specific system configurations that can be used, per the detailed strategy submitted under paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section.
(v) A comprehensive description of representative clinical performance in the hands of the intended user, including information specific to use in the pediatric use population, as appropriate.
(vi) A comprehensive description of safety of the device, including, for example, the incidence of severe hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, and other relevant adverse events observed in a study conducted to satisfy paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section.
(vii) For wireless connection enabled devices, a description of the wireless quality of service required for proper use of the device.
(viii) For any controller with hardware components intended for multiple patient reuse, instructions for safely reprocessing the hardware components between uses.
[87 FR 14172, Mar. 14, 2022]