- AnesthesiologyReview Panel
- CardiovascularReview Panel
- ChemistryReview Panel
- DentalReview Panel
- Ear, Nose, ThroatReview Panel
- MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
- Subpart B—Diagnostic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart D—Prosthetic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- EPFHearing Aid, Group And Auditory Trainer2Product Code
- NEACement, Ear, Nose And Throat2Product Code
- ESDHearing Aid, Air Conduction1Product Code
- ESELarynx, Artificial (Battery-Powered)1Product Code
- ESHPolymer, Ent Synthetic-Pife, Silicon Elastomer, Polyethylene, Polyurethane2Product Code
- ESXTack, Sacculotomy (Cody Tack)2Product Code
- ESZTube, Shunt, Endolymphatic2Product Code
- ETAReplacement, Ossicular Prosthesis, Total2Product Code
- ETBProsthesis, Partial Ossicular Replacement2Product Code
- ETCMold, Middle-Ear2Product Code
- ETDTube, Tympanostomy2Product Code
- ETWCalibrator, Hearing Aid / Earphone And Analysis Systems2Product Code
- EWLProsthesis, Laryngeal (Taub)2Product Code
- FWNProsthesis, Larynx (Stents And Keels)2Product Code
- JAZProsthesis, Facial, Mandibular Implant2Product Code
- JOFPolymer, Ent Synthetic, Porous Polyethylene2Product Code
- JXSBlock, Cutting, Ent, Sterile1Product Code
- JXTCrimper, Wire, Ent, Sterile1Product Code
- JXWDie, Wire Bending, Ent, Sterile1Product Code
- JXXForceps, Wire Closure, Ent, Sterile1Product Code
- JXYJig, Piston Cutting, Ent, Sterile1Product Code
- JXZPunch, Gelfoam, Sterile1Product Code
- JYAScissors, Wire Cutting, Ent, Sterile1Product Code
- JYBVise, Ossicular Finger, Sterile1Product Code
- KHJPolymer, Ent Synthetic-Polyamide (Mesh Or Foil Material)2Product Code
- KHLHearing Aid, Master2Product Code
- KLWMasker, Tinnitus2Product Code
- KLZTube, Shunt, Endolymphatic With Valve2Product Code
- KQLTube, Tympanostomy With Semi-Permeable Membrane2Product Code
- LBLTube, Tympanostomy, Porous Polyethylene2Product Code
- LBMPorous Polyethylene Ossicular Replacement2Product Code
- LBNReplacement, Total Ossicular, Prosthesis, Porous, Polyethylene2Product Code
- LBPReplacement, Ossicular (Stapes) Using Absorbable Gelatin Material2Product Code
- LDGKit, Earmold, Impression1Product Code
- LRBFace Plate Hearing Aid1Product Code
- LREInstrument, Prosthesis Modification For Ossicular Replacement Surgery, Sterile1Product Code
- LWFDilator, Nasal1Product Code
- LXBHearing Aid, Bone Conduction2Product Code
- LZIDevice, Assistive Listening2Product Code
- MAHHearing Aid, Bone Conduction, Implanted2Product Code
- MCKDevice, Voice Amplification2Product Code
- MIXSystem, Vocal Cord Medialization2Product Code
- NHBPolymer, Ear, Nose And Throat, Synthetic, Absorbable2Product Code
- NIXHearing Aid, Air Conduction, Transcutaneous System2Product Code
- NNNCrimper, Wire, Ent, Non-Sterile1Product Code
- NNOJig, Piston Cutting, Ent, Non-Sterile1Product Code
- NNPDie, Wire Bending, Ent, Non-Sterile1Product Code
- NNQForceps, Wire Closure, Ent, Non-Sterile1Product Code
- NNRBlock, Cutting, Ent, Non-Sterile1Product Code
- NNSInstrument, Prosthesis Modification For Ossicular Replacement Surgery, Non-Sterile1Product Code
- NNTPunch, Gelfoam, Non-Sterile1Product Code
- NNUScissors, Wire Cutting, Ent, Non-Sterile1Product Code
- NNVVise, Ossicular Finger, Non-Sterile1Product Code
- OGSMyringotomy Procedure Kit2Product Code
- OSMHearing Aid, Air Conduction With Wireless Technology2Product Code
- PFOActive Implantable Bone Conduction Hearing System2Product Code
- PLKTympanic Membrane Direct Contact Hearing Aid2Product Code
- QDDSelf-Fitting Air-Conduction Hearing Aid2Product Code
- QUFHearing Aid, Air-Conduction, Over The Counter1Product Code
- QUGHearing Aid, Air-Conduction With Wireless Technology, Over The Counter2Product Code
- QUHSelf-Fitting Air-Conduction Hearing Aid, Over The Counter2Product Code
- Subpart E—Neurological Surgical DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart E—Surgical DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart F—General Hospital and Personal Use Therapeutic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart F—Therapeutic DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart G—General Hospital and Personal Use Miscellaneous DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Subpart G—Miscellaneous DevicesCFR Sub-Part
- Gastroenterology and UrologyReview Panel
- General HospitalReview Panel
- HematologyReview Panel
- ImmunologyReview Panel
- MicrobiologyReview Panel
- NeurologyReview Panel
- Obstetrical and GynecologicalReview Panel
- OphthalmicReview Panel
- OrthopedicReview Panel
- PathologyReview Panel
- Physical MedicineReview Panel
- RadiologyReview Panel
- General and Plastic SurgeryReview Panel
- ToxicologyReview Panel
- Medical GeneticsReview Panel
- UnknownReview Panel
Replacement, Total Ossicular, Prosthesis, Porous, Polyethylene
- Page Type
- Product Code
- Regulation Medical Specialty
- Ear, Nose, Throat
- Review Panel
- Ear, Nose, Throat
- Submission Type
- 510(K)
- Device Classification
- Class 2
- Regulation Number
- 874.3495
- GMP Exempt?
- No
- Summary Malfunction Reporting
- Eligible
- Implanted Device
- Yes
- Life-Sustain/Support Device
- No
- Third Party Review
- Not Third Party Eligible
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CFR § 874.3495 Total ossicular replacement prosthesis
§ 874.3495 Total ossicular replacement prosthesis.
(a) Identification. A total ossicular replacement prosthesis is a device intended to be implanted for the total functional reconstruction of the ossicular chain and facilitates the conduction of sound waves from the tympanic membrance to the inner ear. The device is made of materials such as polytetrafluoroethylene, polytetrafluoroethylene with vitreous carbon fibers composite, porous polyethylene, or from a combination of these materials.
(b) Classification. Class II.